HORARI Dilluns a Dissabte 8.30 a 13.30 i de 17 a 20. Diumenges de 8.30 a 13.30. Comandes a través del Web, del Mail info@racodelllibre.cat o WhatsApp 622590126 per recollir a la botiga o servei a domicili.
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What are the causes of drug addiction? What role is to be assigned to fear and circumstances? Is anyone to be held guilty? Can hypocrisy, social fear or even silence be partly to blame? How is it that we all lose our dignity?Every Saturday, Ángeles’ family gets together at her grandmother’s house to...
What are the causes of drug addiction? What role is to be assigned to fear and circumstances? Is anyone to be held guilty? Can hypocrisy, social fear or even silence be partly to blame? How is it that we all lose our dignity? Every Saturday, Ángeles’ family gets together at her grandmother’s house to have a paella. At the meal she always sees her cousin, a boy who is a few years older than her and with whom she has played and shared secrets ever since she was a little girl. However, upon the death of her uncle - a friendly, jovial and generous man - Ángeles becomes the witness of the change that comes about her cousin after losing his father. Using a film technique, the story begins in the present and flashes back to a distant past. The beginning of each chapter serves as a prologue to the current state of affairs and the plot evolves in such a way that the reader is prompted to wonder whether everything is a dream. Whilst the past action chronologically unfolds the causes underlying the boy’s addiction, the present reality intertwines the personalities of the characters with habits, feelings, fears and the inability to face up to reality.. all of which are factors that serve only to cover up the true facts, so much so that in the mind of the young girl death is confused with a journey. The last chapter portrays the circumstances that truly horrified Ángeles and at the same time introduces us to the bitter, white companion of her cousin: heroin.
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