MATESANZ, MIGUEL EVEREST S.A, EDITORIAL Ref. 9788424116224 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Maria, a reading enthusiast, buys a book about exotic places at the mall. Once the book leaves the shop, it is destined to live two contrasting adventures: one with Maria and the other with her cousin Rodrigo. Maria, who loves to read and treats her books with utmost care, comes to consider it her f...
    Ancho: 125 cm Largo: 195 cm Peso: 250 gr
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    • ISBN : 978-84-241-1622-4
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2005
    • Idioma : CAT
    • Autors : MATESANZ, MIGUEL
    • Ilustradors : PUEBLA TEO
    • Nª de pàgines : 84
    • Col·lecció : MONTAÑA ENCANTADA 8 AÑOS
    • Any d'edició : 2005
    Maria, a reading enthusiast, buys a book about exotic places at the mall. Once the book leaves the shop, it is destined to live two contrasting adventures: one with Maria and the other with her cousin Rodrigo. Maria, who loves to read and treats her books with utmost care, comes to consider it her favorite book. However, when the book falls into Rodrigo’s hands, he not only fails to appreciate it, he actually mistreats it, leaving it in terrible shape. Finally, Rodrigo throws the book towards the window, where it lands on the windowsill and nearly falls out.
    This enjoyable narrative, with its simple yet well-written prose, is the winner of the VIIIth Reading Is Living Prize for Children’s Literature. This original story will encourage the formation of lasting ties between readers and their books, especially significant in today’s society, which so often favors fast, superficial, and irresponsible consumption.
    The excellent quality of the illustrations makes this book a veritable treasure for young readers.

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