RUIZ-RIVAS, PALOMA EVEREST S.A, EDITORIAL Ref. 9788424179199 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Ayub is a normal simple individual who lives happily in his “kilai” community. However, he feels a kind of inside calling and, leaving his life as a happy hunter, he goes to the outside world in search of advice from the Wise Men. On his journey to the Top of the World, where it is said that the Wis...
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    • ISBN : 978-84-241-7919-9
    • Data d'edició : 01/01/2000
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autors : RUIZ-RIVAS, PALOMA
    • Ilustradors : PUEBLA TEO / PUEBLA TEO
    • Nª de pàgines : 104
    • Col·lecció : PUNTO DE ENCUENTRO
    • Any d'edició : 2000
    Ayub is a normal simple individual who lives happily in his “kilai” community. However, he feels a kind of inside calling and, leaving his life as a happy hunter, he goes to the outside world in search of advice from the Wise Men. On his journey to the Top of the World, where it is said that the Wise Men live, he goes through a series of changes of mentality and of social organization that are more and more radical and hostile to the primitive mentality of his country, Tepé. On returning to Tepé, however, he discovers that his country also forms part of this modern civilization and that he himself is a wanted and persecuted enemy…
    We are in a story that is set in far-off times, and which tries to show a decisive change in the history of humankind: the step from primitivism to civilization. Except for a few small differences, today we are still immersed in the latter “civilized” mentality. In other words, we are still within that “modern” spirit that uses up natural resources and is based on the exploitation of some human beings by others.

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