MONSA MONSA ARQUITECTURA URBANISME Ref. 9788417557416 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    The creation of pleasant living environments that avoid the simple container of human beings and build spaces of coexistence receptive to the needs of users has been one of the objectives of architectural practice for decades. The projects presented in this book are magnificent recent examples of ho...
    Ancho: 1770 cm Largo: 230 cm Peso: 250 gr
    21,50 €
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    • ISBN : 978-84-17557-41-6
    • Data d'edició : 01/03/2022
    • Any d'edició : 2022
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autors : MONSA
    • Nª de pàgines : 144
    The creation of pleasant living environments that avoid the simple container of human beings and build spaces of coexistence receptive to the needs of users has been one of the objectives of architectural practice for decades. The projects presented in this book are magnificent recent examples of how architecture can create attractive residential buildings aware of their social function, promotinginteraction between users and the harmonious relationship of the community with its natural and urban environment. Likewise, all of them transmit a great sensitivity towards issues such as sustainability, eco efficiency or the integration and conservation of historical and industrial heritage, using construction methods ranging from traditional techniques to the most modern parametric design systems.

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