CARRASCO CABRERA, Mª JOSÉ / FAJARDO CARRASCO, MANUELA PARANINFO Ref. 9788428362689 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Get Ahead at Work is a new method specifically tailored to the needs of students studying the following vocational training courses: Ciclos Formativos de grado superior de las familias profesionales de Administración y Gestión, y de Comercio y Marketing. However, it is also suitable for other course...
    Ancho: 210 cm Largo: 270 cm Peso: 720 gr
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    34,50 €
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    • ISBN : 978-84-283-6268-9
    • Data d'edició : 01/04/2024
    • Any d'edició : 2024
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Nª de pàgines : 262
    Get Ahead at Work is a new method specifically tailored to the needs of students studying the following vocational training courses: Ciclos Formativos de grado superior de las familias profesionales de Administración y Gestión, y de Comercio y Marketing. However, it is also suitable for other courses specialised in Tourism. This second edition of Get Ahead at Work has been built on the invaluable feedback received from our users, incorporating updated content and improving activities. We are confident that you will find this revised edition to be an indispensable resource. The course follows the academic syllabus of these studies and adapts to the self-reflexive demand of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It provides students with the basic and necessary English required to succeed in today?s professional world. With Get Ahead at Work, students can practice both the receptive and productive skills of the foreign language: listening, speaking, reading and writing, with special emphasis on developing oral skills, and through motivating and meaningful activities in groups, in pairs or individually. Besides, it integrates these skills with the language systems: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and functional language, so as to help students communicate effectively. All the exercises are included in the student?s book so that students can use it as a workbook too. Key features include: --- Varied topics related to Administration, Commerce and Tourism. --- Vocabulary activities with a special focus on vocabulary in context. --- Relevant listening materials. --- Communicative speaking activities. --- Pronunciation practice. --- Interesting reading texts from different sources. --- Varied and useful writing practice. --- Reflection on the language learnt in every unit. --- Warm-up and Let?s leave the book aside for a while sections. --- Grammar reference with further activities. --- Glossary. El solucionario de este libro es exclusivo para el profesorado que tenga el libro adoptado para la docencia. No está disponible para particulares.

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